Wealth Through Ingenuity.

Correlation & Diversification White Paper

Correlation and diversification play a critical role in the success of any portfolio

Diversification means strength through variety. If each component of a portfolio does the same thing, then the portfolio is no stronger than any one component.

In this paper we also examine how "alternative" assets, including tactical investment strategies, can provide low-correlated returns and diversification for an investors holdings in stocks and bonds.

Smooth is always better than choppy. Nobody likes to see their portolio lose value, even if it's temporary and eventually bounces back - Steve Blumenthal

Asset allocation to a diverse set of market risks is the tool you use to shape the risk and return characteristics of your portfolio.

CMG Capital Management Group  2016   advisors@cmgwealth.com

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Most investment professionals agree that diversification is the most important component in an investor’s long-term financial success. Find out more in this Free White Paper.

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Steve Blumenthal, CEO of CMG Capital Management Group, is a pioneer and leader in tactical investing strategies for advisors, individuals, and institutions. The objective behind all of Mr. Blumenthal’s work is to help advisors build better portfolios by allocating with a long term game plan that is risk sensitive and properly diversified. Steve is a regular contributor to Forbes. He writes the weekly market commentary On My Radar. He is often quoted in major financial media on the markets, investing, and portfolio construction.

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